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PPOA Nomination Information

Writer's picture: Nevell HarperNevell Harper

1. Constitution and Bylaws ELECTION AND CAMPAIGN RULES Six Executive Board Offices – 2023 The nomination and election of five Executive Board Officers elected in accordance with Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13 will be conducted in accordance with the Postal Police Officers Association (PPOA) Constitution dated April 20, 2005; and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended.

2. Term of OfficeThe Officers elected will serve a three-year term which will end on August 31, 2026. Installation of officers will occur on September 1, 2023.

3. Eligibility As provided in Article V of the Postal Police Officers Association Constitution, all candidates for elective offices shall be members in good standing as of May 1, 2023. A member in good standing is defined as any Postal Police Officer who remains current in the dues requirement, as specified in the Constitution, and otherwise satisfies the requirements of the PPOA.

4. Nomination Notice A nomination notice will be posted on union bulletin boards at all work sites and the union website( and mailed to all members by Election Chair Eric Freeman.

5. Nomination Period Nominations for the offices of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Sgt.-At-Arms, and Grievance Secretary will be accepted from members in good standing that are POSTMARKED by midnight Wednesday May 24, 2023. Nominations must be made in writing and must be received by Election Chair Eric Freeman at P.O. Box 90311, Washington, DC 20090-0311 or via email at: In order to nominate candidate(s), a member must be in good standing as specified in Rule #3 above. It is the nominators’ responsibility to confirm receipt of nomination form if not contacted by Eric Freeman. Nominations can be made by any member. Self-nominations are also acceptable.

6. Nomination Acceptances A nominee must officially accept or decline the nomination via email to the Election Chair at by Wednesday, June 14, 2023. 7. Candidate Eligibility Determinations The Election Committee will review dues records to determine the eligibility of all nominees. Eligible nominees will be notified of their eligibility and asked how they wish their names to appear on the ballot. Ineligible nominees will be advised of the reason(s) they are not eligible to run for office.

8. Inspection of the Membership List Each candidate may inspect (not copy) the union membership list once within 30 days prior to the startof the voting period. The membership list will be available for inspection at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer at a time and date to be arranged from June 17, 2023 to July 7, 2023. Any candidate who wishes to inspect the list should contact Secretary-Treasurer, Eric Freeman. Any Inspection to the list must be done with another Executive Board member present in addition to the Sec/Treas.

9. Distribution of Campaign Literature Any candidate wishing a copy of the Union membership Postal mailing list must submit a written request with a Postal Money Order for ($25) Twenty-five dollars, made payable to the Postal Police Officers Association mailed priority mail to the Election Chairperson, Eric Freeman at the address listed above in section #5. Request must be postmarked no earlier than June 26, 2023.

10. Campaign Restrictions Federal law prohibits the use of any union or employer funds to promote the candidacy of any person in a union officer election. This prohibition applies to cash, facilities, equipment, vehicles, office supplies, etc. of PPOA and any other union, and of employers whether or not they employ PPOA members. Union officers and employees may not campaign on time paid for by the union. All members are restricted from posting campaign materials on union bulletin boards (both online and physical). Candidates will be restricted from posting any messages on any union sponsored or controlled bulletin boards or websites during the campaign and election periods. Exceptions will be made for current office holders posting business related items only (no opinion or campaign related messages will be allowed from the candidates). If there are any questions about suitable postings, a member or candidate should contact any member of the election committee.

Federal law also provides that candidates must be treated equally regarding the opportunity to campaign and that all members may support the candidates of their choice without being subject to penalty, discipline or reprisal of any kind.

11. Voter Eligibility As provided in Article V of the PPOA Constitution, any member who has paid dues through the pay period (12) will be eligible to vote in this election. 12. Balloting A secret mail ballot will be sent to the last known address of each PPOA member on or before Friday, July 14, 2023.

13. Election Period All members will be required to use the secret mail ballot and follow all balloting instructions included with the ballot during the election period: Date: Monday July 17th and no later than Friday August 25th.

14. Observers Candidates are entitled to have observers present at the tally of the ballots. Observers must be members of the PPOA. Candidates should submit the names of their observers in writing to the Election Chairperson, Eric Freeman prior to the tally of ballots.

15. Tally of Ballots A representative from a third-party attorney will count the ballots on or about Tuesday, August 29, 2023 (to allow for ballots mailed on the last day or replacement ballots to arrive) beginning at approximately 12:00 PM in Washington, DC. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes cast for each Area office will be declared elected. Any tie votes will be re-balloted (secret mail ballot).

16. Election Results The election results will be posted on the union website ( and at all work sites after the tally is completed. 17. Election Records The PPOA Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for maintaining all nomination and election records for at least one year after the election, as required by federal law.

18. Questions and Problems Candidates and members with questions about the nomination or election procedures should contact a member of the Election Committee.

Election Committee Members Chairperson – Eric Freeman Member – Frank Albergo

Member – Edna Sepulveda

Member – Nevell Harper

Member – Chris Vitolo

The above rules are not all inclusive. Additional election rules or changes to existing rules or clarifications of either may be issued by the PPOA Election Committee as needed during the nomination and election period without prior notice. Issued by the PPOA Election Committee Dated: Monday May 1, 2023


Six Executive Board Offices – 2023 Nominations for the offices of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Grievance Secretary, and Sgt.-At-Arms will be accepted during the nomination period from members-in- good standing. The nomination period is as follows:

Beginning Thursday, May 4, 2023

through Wednesday May 24, 2023

Nominations must be made in writing and must be received by Election Committee Chairperson Eric Freeman at PO Box 90311, Washington, DC 20090-0311 or email:, no earlier than May 4, 2023, and no later than Midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on May 24,2023. The officers elected will serve a three-year term beginning September 1, 2023, and ending August 31, 2026.

As provided in Article V of the Postal Police Officers Association USPS #2 Constitution, all candidates for elective offices shall be members-in-good-standing as of May 1, 2023. A member-in-good-standing is defined as any Postal Police Officer who remains current in the dues requirement, as specified in the Constitution, and otherwise satisfies the requirements of PPOA USPS #2.

Candidates must accept or may decline nomination. The nominee is required to submit a written acceptance to Election Committee Chair by midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on June 14, 2023 via the same means as specified above (mail or email). Candidates will be provided a list of election and campaign rules and will be provided information about distribution of campaign literature.

The election will be held by secret mail ballot beginning on July 17, 2023 and concluding by August 25, 2023 (ballot postmarked dates).

Questions or Problems Candidates and members with questions about the nomination procedures should contact any

EB member.

Nomination form

NAME OF MEMBER MAKING NOMINATION: ___________________________________

NOMINATOR CONTACT INFORMATION: ______________________________________

NAME OF NOMINEE: ____________________________________________________

DIVISION & WORKSITE OF NOMINEE: ______________________________________ HOME/CELL/WORK TELEPHONE OF NOMINEE: ________________________________

OTHER CONTACT INFORMATION FOR NOMINEE: _______________________________

POSITION NOMINATED FOR: ___________________________________________________________

POST AT ALL PPO WORKSITES May 4, 2023 Through May 24, 2023



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